other nintendo games

nintendo needs to hop off the switch and find something new

***writing in progress***

super mario galaxy ★ my thoughts 

***writing in progress***

i hacked the wii!

april 28, 2024

early this month i made it my goal to successfully homebrew (or hack) the wii for free games. as the wii gets older, game availability becomes scarce and expensive to own, and i wanted to put our wii to good use. i have the classics: wii sports, wii sports resort, as well as a bunch of unusable games because of some defect on the CDs. 

what drove me to finally decide on homebrewing the wii was an intense yearning for a game called mario sports mix. we were gifted this game back in the early 2010s and almost completed the entire thing -- all the secret paths, unlockable characters and game modes. at some point during our move to canada, we damaged the CD and could no longer access the game. it's always been on the back of my mind to just purchase a new one, but the original version is rarely available online. i figured i might as well use the power of the internet archive to find the game data and just homebrew the wii. 

it was a bit of a process actually -- it took about a week to successfully finalize everything and start playing games. the actual wii reminded me that HDMI did not exist at the time of its release which is INSANE, i had to purchase an extra add-on to make it HDMI-compatible. i also needed a new usb stick (formatted properly) to include all the games my family and i want. once everything was set up and ready to include games, i had to spend roughly 3 days to download apps and change up the wii's intricate settings using my tv, my macbook, AND my pc. oh and an SD card. 

it was easy figuring out which games i wanted to download:

its a GREAT selection so far and we're really enjoying each game to the fullest. i'm looking to write something about super mario galaxy soon - it is genuinely one of the best games ever created, and i'm enjoying every second of it.